Photo of the week!

Photo of the week!
3 year photo shoot

Friday, December 19, 2008

9 Months Old!

I am 9 months old today and Mommy and Daddy are amazed at the little girl I am becoming! I went to the doctor today and the doctor told Mommy that I am perfect. Mommy and Nana agreed with the doctor. I played peek-a-boo with the doctor and tried to talk to him the entire appointment. I didn't have to get any shots today, but I did have my toe pricked so the nurse could check the iron in my blood. The nurse was so proud of how well I behaved when she pricked my toe. I didn't even wince. I just sat there on Mommy's lap and let the nurse do whatever she needed to do. Mommy and Nana were proud of me too! I received another book from the doctor at the end of my visit. This time my book is about shapes.

I am an avid fan of crawling these days. Mommy and Daddy think it is cute how I crawl into the bathroom from wherever I am at if I hear the water running as they get my bath ready. I like pulling myself up on furniture or people to stand. I like to have mini conversations that mainly consist of the words "ba, ba, ba," however sometimes I do say da da da. I love crawling through my tunnel to knock down a tower of blocks, I love looking at books and being read to, I love seeing elmo on t.v., I like being tickled, I love playing with strings, I still love playing with my feet, I love to pull my socks off and then laugh, and I love playing the beep nose game. There are a few things I am not too fond of. I don't really care too much for baby food. I would rather eat fruit than vegetables. I definitely let Mommy and Daddy know when I don't want to eat a particular food! I am starting to hear the word "No" a little bit more these days as my curiosity increases. I have started to react to the word no, but don't always stop after I hear it. So far, I haven't pulled down the Christmas tree or any other decorations.

Mommy and Daddy love watching me grow and explore. They are so proud of their baby girl and can't wait to see what I will be doing next.

Below are my 9 month old stats:

Height: 28 7/8 inches(90-95 percentile)
Weight: 19lbs. 1oz (50-75 percentile)
Head circumference: 45 cm (75 percentile)

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