Photo of the week!

Photo of the week!
3 year photo shoot

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Upholstery 101

When Mommy and Daddy moved into our house 5 years ago, they bought a dining room table set with chairs that had a very light colored material. Mommy and Daddy really liked the chairs at the time, but wondered how long it would take for them to get dirty. We have company quite often which means that the chairs get used and consequently get dirty. Some of the stains on the chairs just wouldn't come out. This morning Mommy woke up with the idea to try and reupholster the chairs today. Daddy thought Mommy was being a little too ambitious, but he went right along with the idea. Thanks to Grammy Linda, we were given a few tips to make our adventure easier. We went to JoAnn Fabrics and within an hour we were back home and starting our project. I helped Mommy and Daddy with one chair and then I took a nap:). When I woke up from my nap, Mommy and Daddy had finished the other 7 chairs! Mommy and Daddy love their "new" chairs and I love pointing out the "new" chairs. I know Mommy and Daddy did most of the work, but I love helping out with their projects! Enjoy the photos of our do it yourself project today!

Using "Stretch" to measure the the seat. Stretch is the name of the measuring tape on Handy Manny, one of my favoirte shows.

Double checking to see if Mommy and Daddy measured the seat correctly

Mommy tried to take a before picture of our embarrassing dirty chairs

Modeling our "new" chair

Daddy tried to teach me how to place my hands to model off our finished product

Another modeling pose

1 comment:

Ami said...

All I know is that I am impressed with your upholstery skills! Well done! And I see a future for Caitlin on the Price is Right! She's got the modeling of products down!